The Importance of Being Earnestly Connected with Good Women!

Over the weekend I enjoyed a short overnighter of a writing retreat with some wonderful writing friends. Again, I was struck by Elder Ballard’s counsel: “[E]ven as you try to cut out the extra commitments, sisters, find some time for yourself to cultivate your gifts and interests. Pick one or two things that you would like to learn or do that will enrich your life, and make time for them. Water cannot be drawn from an empty well, and if you are not setting aside a little time for what replenishes you, you will have less and less to give to others, even to your children.” (Ensign, “Daughters of God,” May 2008, 108–10). Because of circumstances, I couldn’t stay longer than I desired. But, even with that, I was still able to develop my creativity (sitting around a table in jammies, all of us reading and helping critique what we wrote), connect and feel uplifted as a mother (sharing challenges and solutions in motherhood), and get a spiritual rejuvenation (early morning chat in the quiet of a room with one other lady about the needs of women and how we can help). IT WAS AMAZING!
Ladies, we need each other! And if you say, I don’t have friends like that, well, pray to find them. I just met these women at a writer’s conference this year, and frankly, I intensely dislike sitting at a round table meeting complete strangers and trying to make small talk. INTENSELY DISLIKE. Did I mention it’s not my favorite? But I promised myself I wouldn’t spend my time in the hall or back in my room, I would get out and be with people, which might be hard to believe about quiet, demure me…but, because I of the constant outflow of energy in my life, I treasure alone time. And, as I get older, I really don’t want to have to the dreaded “mingle”.
I’ve learned that this taps into a side of me that NEEDS to connect, and that every time I do (yes, EVERY time), I’m a better person for it, and hopefully the other person is too.
So this week, this month, I invite you to break out of your comfort (or fear) zone and connect, connect, connect with other women. Write down on a sticky note a few ladies’ names that you would like to get to know, or know better. Then think and pray about ways to make that happen. As you do, opportunities will come—maybe not even for that lady, but another one.
Women are social creatures, even the shy ones, and we need synergy. We need those connecting, creative, and inspiring experiences SHARED TOGETHER that only women can do (because only we understand, as a mother, why the bathroom is our last sanctuary, and without explanation).
As Eliza R. Snow said (I believe it was her), “I’ll lift thee, and thee lift me, and we’ll ascend together.”
All my best,

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