become a successful speaker, writer, and media presence
. . . for Him.

does this sound familiar?

Welcome - So Glad You're Here!

Hi! I’m Connie Sokol, and I'm a speaker, bestselling author, media personality and program founder (not all at once, and not without chocolate...). But at the core most days I’m a keeping-it-real mother of seven. #thegoodthebadtheugly
I love God, spending time with my kids (not after 9), learning and creating fabulous life hacks, and indulging in decadent treats.

Just wonderful, I loved being in the same space with women that have the same desires to move forward.
It was motivating, spiritually uplifting, and I really felt like I could go home and make things happen.
Angela Ingo - Owner, Angela Ingo Home

God was in every detail.
I am blown away what was fit into 3 days! There was time for questions and discussion. There was fun and relaxation. There was laughter, emotion and the spirit was SO STRONG.
Raylene Job - Speaker

Women are powerful, but we are unstoppable when we are together.
I hosted a huge Mother's Day Garden Brunch in honor of my mother with 100 women, and I would not have been able to do it without the DTL women.
Ardice Lorscheider - Owner, Ardice + Co
Ready to learn the tools to effectively share your message for Him?

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Latest Thoughts


“Connie Sokol has an easy-to-read conversational writing style that I enjoyed. It was like chatting with a friend. As I read, I felt like she had been there, done that, and understood where I was coming from. . . She gets it. . . ."
~ Karen Dupaix, Blogger

Connie Sokol has captured the essence of her message in her books with her years of experience, extensive research, and twist of good humor.

~ Richard and Linda Eyre, #1 New York Times Bestselling Authors

Connie Sokol's energy was contagious. Her message was incredible--upbeat, positive, and hilarious. The evaluations we received confirmed she was the best speaker at our conference.
~ Rosalen Woolfenden, Conference Chair, UAHVO
I’m learning that these principles build upon each other. I am recognizing quicker the promptings of the spirit. I’m also recognizing more immediately when I’m out of balance and striving to live in joy and gratitude in those moments. It makes life so much more joyful and fun and peaceful. I’m working on laughing more. I’m excited to take these tools with me in my life and use them and teach them to my children.

~ Wendy Castleton
What change are you ready for?

Define your purpose and fulfill it!