The Hum of a Home/ConnieQ

CookiesI was chatting with my daughter today and she said something lovely to me: “Mom, I love being home.” That pretty much made my next decade, but what was even lovelier was our conversation describing the why:
“The sound of the dryer going upstairs… Having a clean kitchen and the dishwasher rumbling low and comforting… Low lit lamps and the sunset through the living room window… Watching North and South while we all snuggle under the covers… Playing a wicked game of Trouble… Eating a big yummy homemade spaghetti dinner… Watching and then retelling funny Studio C episodes… Deep clean when no one is fussing… When it’s quiet at night because Chubs is asleep and the  house is still…”
Then she said, “I love it because I feel safe and comforted, especially after a hard day of school.”
As I soaked in her sweet thoughts, I realized again, What a subtle but powerful gift we give as moms to our families by doing the small and simple things. All of it adds to the beautiful, secure, and comforting hum of a home.
ConnieQ: What are some favorite “hums” of your home?

2 thoughts on “The Hum of a Home/ConnieQ”

  1. Instruments. Okay, the drumming is a little more than a hum, but I love the guitar, piano, cello, viola, violin, and yes, even the electrics. The children, and especially my hubs, just play when they want. It is the background to homework, making dinner, and even making breakfast and getting ready for the day. I love that music fills my house almost constantly, repeated melodies and rhythmic strums, plucks, twangs, and bangs. Joy.

  2. I loved this!! And it’s so true. My sons do both acoustic and electric and I have to admit for awhile it was sort of like this dueling thing and when kids’ noise got high it felt like, seriously?? But my favorite is on a quiet family night, we’re all in the room but doing different things–reading, playing a game, petting the dog–and the one will be strumming the acoustic. I tell him he provides a soundtrack for our lives. Thanks so much for sharing, so enjoyed this:)

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