List-making Good or Bad? / KSL post / Weekly Winner!

Last week I was invited to a holiday luncheon by a dear friend. She holds a traditional friend feast of close compadres to share food, fun, and thoughts on how to keep a Christ-centered season.
Wow. Wonderful women, delicious dishes, inspirational insights, and I even got to bring my beautiful baby. Aside from awesome alliteration, does it get any better than that?
The shared thoughts were so fantastic that, embarrassingly, I took notes, right on the back of the darling handout. One conversation thread that I especially enjoyed was on list-making — to do or not to do, and where is the balance?
ID-10094176 My take-away turned out to be a keeper. Truly, this question takes on a New Testament “Mary and Martha” kind of balance: we need to spiritually and emotionally focus on what matters most. Then we use lists to make those matter things happen.
What goes wrong is when our lists become the focus, and not the friendly helper. Sometimes our list must wait while we help a neighbor or a family member. Ironically, the same morning before the luncheon, I had gone out to my car a little early to find an item and instead found I had a dead car battery. Some helpful child, who will remain nameless, left the trunk door open after bringing in groceries. In a moment of panic, I called my sweet husband and asked the best solution. Not only did he come back home to help, but I was able to leave on time.
Afterward, I felt badly about how this may have affected his busy schedule. But it turned out that one of the places he needed to travel to didn’t need him after all. Problem solved. That’s so often what happens when we step away from the List Nazi that threatens to rise and instead attend to the List Samaritan that recognizes a new and higher errand—the Lord’s errand.
This week, I invite you to let go of the love-hate relationship with your lists. See their usefulness to fulfill your focus. And, let go of their rigidness when situations suggest it.
(And remember to email us one way you simplify the season to enter to win our Holiday Gift Set (this week’s winner below!) Email Enjoy!)
P.S. Our Weekly Deal! This week get a Book Bunch, 5 books for $25! Pick your title then receive 5 print books for $5 each. Choose from Simplify & Savor the Season or 40 Days with the Savior, or get a set of each! Perfect gifts for friends, family, or neighbors, receive in 3-5 business days when you purchase on our website.
P.P.S. Congratulations! This week’s Holiday Gift Set winner is Natalie Oldham who says, “One way that I try to simplify the season, is to get things done early. If the majority of things are ready, wrapped, and prepped early — the last minute things aren’t so stressful. The holidays are so much more fun that way!” She receives an ebook set of Simplify & Savor the Season, 40 Days with the Savior, and The Life is Too Short Collection. Enjoy!
Last P.S. Enjoy my Motherhood Matters KSL column on “3 Tips to Simplify & Savor the Season”

1 thought on “List-making Good or Bad? / KSL post / Weekly Winner!”

  1. Thank you so much! What a fun surprise it was to win. This has all been so helpful and enjoyable too! Love Connie’s ideas and enthusiasm!

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