Spend more time with the Savior this holiday season and less time in the stores

Enjoy today’s Quotable from “40 Days With the Savior.”
40 Days with the Savior
A quick look at today’s top-selling books and magazines shows titles and headlines on how to make more money, be well liked, and live a glamorous life. One literary agent shared in her blog that she used read these kinds of magazines. But after a time, she felt unhappy and unfulfilled. Thinking through her life, she realized her feelings stemmed from reading about false images and fake lives. She tossed the magazines and her happiness increased.
More money, bigger homes, fancier cars. These mean nothing to the Savior. He knows the obvious truth that too many easily forget: we can’t take it with us. The constant focus on more keeps us distracted from true priorities in our lives. Instead of living generously, we focus on acquiring things. Instead of helping the needy, we believe the myth that more will make us happier.
It won’t.
Spend more time with the Savior this holiday season and less time in the stores.
40 Days with the Savior is available in ebook or print. Copyright 2013.

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