Finding the Fun Factor in Motherhood

Sure, there are responsibilities – but what makes being a mom fun?
Connie Sokol, author of “Motherhood Matters,” shares a few ways to rediscover joy in the role.

Alexandra Stoddard, author of Living a Beautiful Life, challenged women to rate their “Fun Factor” in daily life on a scale of 1 to 10. Often for moms it doesn’t even hit a five. Not that life needs to be a string of giddy events but too often we mothers walk around furrowed brow and missing the joy in the journey. So let’s find the fun!
Create a Fun Basket. Choose a beautiful basket that appeals to you then fill it with fun things you love to do, enjoy, eat, etc. Use it daily in some way—sometimes it will be a little thing, sometimes a big thing. I put in my favorite books, thank you cards (I love writing those!), chick flicks, decadent European chocolate or treats, candles, bath salts, etc. They are all meant for pure fun, nothing productive. So after the children are in bed and you say, “Gee, should I put in more laundry OR do something fun for 15 minutes?” go for the fun!
Find fun in daily dos. Actively look for, and if necessary, create those moments or experiences that add sparkle to the sometimes mundanity of motherhood. Years ago as a zealous (and somewhat desperate) mother, I tried to help our children get jiggy with chores by starting our own “Dino Store.” Nothing fancy, we decorated a refrigerator box and filled it with simple toys, books, and treats. We printed Dino Dollars that they received for doing chores and could then redeem for fun things at the “store”. They loved it! That being said, you don’t have to do something like this forever (I think it was less than a year) and it doesn’t need to be a production. An impromptu yard picnic after folding laundry, or a trip to the park after cleaning their zones—do whatever lifts the spirit and brings relaxation.
Be the Favorite Aunt. A friend of mine gave a fabulous gift to her sister-in-law who had just had a baby: she spent three days caring for the other children. But, she did something extra magical that hit me. My friend spent that time focusing on fun with the kids—getting on the floor, playing Uno, goofing with them as kids love to do. She said, “It was like I got to be the favorite aunt!” And beautifully discovered that she was also energized by it! So choose an activity, a day, or a chunk of time to take off the Mama hat and be the Favorite Aunt. Get on the floor or the wii, play, dance, and be silly with them, even if only for 10 minutes. We recently did this with all eight of us, 18 down to 6, playing a family game of Pit. After 15 minutes of intense screaming “Two-two-two” and falsely dinging the bell, we laughed so hard I was crying, with my big belly bouncing up and down.
So this week, take a moment for fun and try being “The Favorite Aunt”: enjoy something beautiful, find the daily fun, and get on the floor to let yourself let down with your children.

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