Do Something That Takes You Out of That Daily Grind–

Today I did two unusual things. With a blustery, chilly fall day on my hands, I decided to make something warm and yummy for when my kids’s after school snack. Eyeing the applesauce can I’d just used for my baby, I noticed a tasty sounding recipe for applesauce spice cake.
Oh yeah.
So I sat my sweet baby–affectionately and appropriately called chubba–in his high chair and did two unusual things: bake something I hadn’t tried before (note: if you knew my history of baking new things you would now exclaim, what insanity has taken over?) And two, it turned out like it was supposed to! (see previous note above).
What a perfect moment–chubba playing happily in the high chair with his toys (and continually dropping them just as happily), the sounds of the mixer going, the dog barking outside, and the wind blowing the crunchy leaves outside my window, it felt like a fabulously fall day. By the end, the house smelled divine–a cozy spice-cake-and-where’s-a-cup-of-milk? atmosphere. Beautifully, chubba was now ready for a sweet nap during which I wrote this blog post.
Ahhh. All’s right with the world.
So I invite you to do something unusual today. Bake something. Play a game with your kids you usually don’t. Take a walk outside in the crisp fall air. Do something that takes you out of that daily grind and you’ll find yourself feeling for all intents and purposes, ahhh, all’s right with the world.
Bring on the spice cake.
8-week Challenge Winner!
Congratulations to Lisa S. So glad you stayed committed to your goals and made it happen!

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