Day-9Matthew 27:31-32
“31 And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.
32 And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.”
Each time I read this, I envision the Savior walking along the path, bearing the crushing weight of the wooden cross. He has just experienced the spiritual, emotional, and physical exhaustion of Gethsemane, bleeding from every pore because of the suffering for every individual who has ever lived. And now He is making His way to Calvary Hill, bearing another burden. At one particular moment where He must have faltered, a man is asked to bear His cross.
And the Savior lets him.
In our go-go lives, so often I see women particularly being so very brave, and so very independent. Even when they need help, or to say I can’t, they find it difficult to actually do so. Just this once, ask. Even if you have to ask three times, or three people. Invite someone to share your load, or help you carry it.
My mother just came to visit. In the middle of my typical zoom-zoom doing, she said, “Let me help you.” She had me take a nap, the children clean their zones, and folded my towels! When I awoke, I felt rested and renewed. It was a small thing, but a lovely thing. It’s those moments that help us remember, we’re not to do this alone.
In what way can you ask someone to help you with your load?

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