Are you ready for March GLADNESS?

I’m beyond excited to start this month’s “40 Days of Service” in preparation for the coming Easter season.
Each week I’ll post a simple service or caring cause. Talk about feel good this month! Then delight in sharing your favorite experiences. Every goodness makes a difference! And because it is based on my 40 Days with the Savior devotional book, I’ll be giving away a free print book each week (just post/email about a service or cause you’ve been involved in, see below).
On the simple side, I felt SO buoyed today by cheerful people (despite the heavy snow and gloomy day). Three different people—from the junior high to grocery shopping—specifically expressed, “You have a nice day today.” Then I got to pay it forward at the store where I saw potted mums—yellow, pink, and purple—and couldn’t resist picking up a few for neighbors. Just the right sunshine for a down day.
On the caring causes side, let me share this tender, wonderful story and these pictures. My friends just barely finished a service mission in Kenya. Here is the story of one woman they met and helped and now, thanks to your purchases, we have donated to.unnamed-1
In 2005, Rosemary and her husband took in two children, Emily and Esther. After that, people kept leaving children on their doorstep until now they have 23. Her husband was killed in March of 2008 and she has been struggling to provide for these children ever since. A neighbor lady, Theresa Heasman, is an English woman married to a Kenyan who runs a lodge. She has been helping Rosemary for years, and is an honest, generous, helpful woman who is also on the board of several orphanages. Rosemary’s orphanage is officially called Streams of Life, but most people call it “Rosemary’s Place”.
unnamed-2What amazed me is how far our Back to Basics donations could go! As one lady shared, “Even $25.00 buys so much. Their biggest needs are electricity bill (about $60.00 a month), food (about $150 a month – can you believe that for 27 people?) and medicine for a diabetic boy (about $40 a month). That huge bag of beans costs $50 and lasts them almost a month. Maize is another thing they eat and it costs about the same.”
When Back to Basics donated $100, Rosemary literally had half a bag of beans left.
Another beautiful sidelight is that a family member of our friend’s visited and took pictures of the kids at the orphanage. They had never had a photo taken of themselves before. Here they are wearing their Sunday best. She said, “It was the most amazing thing to see their reaction to these beautiful picture of themselves. I think it was a self-esteem builder.  They got to see how beautiful they really are.”unnamed-4
Ladies, I LOVE LOVE LOVE paying it forward, being part of the circle, becoming a helping hand, whatever you want to call it. And that is SO you too. Reaching out in a little way makes a big difference, both here and out there. Thank you!
Meanwhile, begin your “40 Days of Service” today with something as small as a smile. Let me know your experience here at or on Let’s “share goodness”!
P.S. If you are interested in donating privately to “Rosemary’s Place,” send the total amount ($5 and up) by Paypal to

4 thoughts on “Are you ready for March GLADNESS?”

  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful article and the help that you and your friends have provided for Rosemary. She is an amazing lady and has done so much with little resources. I am proud to be her neighbor and if any donations come this way, promise she will receive every cent. Most of her children are now in high school which is not free here. Book, uniforms, transport…. all comes at a cost and so every cent helps. Most of Rosemary’s children are girls who in particular struggle in rural and poorer homes to be educated…. every one of hers is given the opportunity to receive a full education and that alone makes her an outstanding individual. Thank you Connie for your help!

    1. Thanks for this wonderful response–we are so glad. We hope that we can get people connected to this wonderful endeavor. You are a gift to help her so happily and consistently:) We will let you know at the month’s end how it went (we are donating some from our ebook sales)–and thanks for the info on the girls, that is such an important thing personally to me. I’ll pass that on:) Please let us know if you get donations coming your way (just to know if we helped at all!) because they will mostly come to directly to you:)

  2. I love this story! Thank you for sharing it and for doing so much good in the world, Connie! I have a goal to take my family to a third world country someday for a service vacation–wouldn’t that be amazing!? 🙂

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