When You Follow Your Heart/Free Faithful Videos and Resources!

photo 4Last week I taught the final class of our church’s stake pilot program for Faithful, Fit & Fabulous. Before even beginning the program last September, I felt nervous about what the outcome would be. Though I’d done the program in various ways over the years—in my home, at classes, online and with life coaching—I’d never done the program in a full-on church setting.

Which means, no giving motivational free downloads or books, to be sure there wasn’t anything seemingly promotional. And meant that I didn’t have consistent contact (because it was with other wards in our stake). And meant that if it didn’t fly, I would be failing in front of people who knew where I lived.

Originally, we had planned to do a three-month jumpstart version and hope a few people would come. In the first class we had 90 women. We met once a month, learning principles and practices from one life area of the Faithful book. The principles and practices are from scripture, conference talks, and women’s life experiences in making them work in real-time. Each month I taught some, women shared some, and we spent quiet time evaluating and goal-setting some. To help future groups, we ended up videotaping the classes live, with all the jokes and foibles a live class can provide. As we reconnected the next month, I was thrilled to hear and feel of the difference women felt in their lives.

At the end of the three-month jumpstart version, the women enjoyed it so fully they requested the program continue for the full six months. At our final class last week, I looked around the room at these marvelous women and felt such full joy, and something I hadn’t anticipated—not just motivation and enthusiasm for life principles, but love and nurturing for each other, as well as for me.

photo 1Now I step back and see the sprouting of the seed. Where there was an idea, now there are other groups, both Church and Women’s, doing this program in different states. I had to share just a few of their comments:

“We used the You Tube videos last night and they were AMAZING!  Everyone is REALLY excited for this! The ladies who met with me last night really enjoyed it! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!” Mindy R.

“This program so easy and I am sooooo grateful. THANK YOU!” Pat B.

“I have already read through chapter two and this is JUST WHAT I NEED!  Thanks so much Our first meeting was sooo amazing. We all agreed that this is what we have needed to jumpstart our year. Thanks for the inspiring words.” Rachelle D.

Another lady expressed gratitude for the Month 1 “Holy Habits” class. Right after that her mother was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and she said that without practicing these spiritual principles she would have been a mess.

What a fabulous experience! And what brings greater joy is that we have made these resources free for anyone desiring to do the program. My feeling for years has been to find a way to “come buy milk and honey without price,” as it were. And that’s what we’re doing.

photo 3Meanwhile, to the stake pilot program sisters, I can’t fully express my own gratitude for the willingness of the leaders to give this program a try, for the women to actively and enthusiastically participate, and for the growth we have all experienced. It has truly been a keeper experience on so many levels.

If you are interested in doing a program in either your church or as a women’s group, we are happy to donate free resources including the teaching video links on You Tube, podcasts, blog posts, and motivational information. There is no cost, except the purchase of the book (except Church grousp), but all profits are donated to the LDS Missionary Fund.

If you want information on how you can start a three-month Jumpstart Faithful, Fit, & Fabulous group and receive your free resources, simply email me at me@conniesokol.com.

Our goal is to help women and families all over the world “Bless and Bloom, Give and Grow”—meaning, that as you bloom and grow, you will give to and bless others’ lives with your donations, example, and love.

Thank you, WONDERFUL WOMEN, for being a part of this program so far, in any way, and in helping domino effect positive change in lives everywhere with these scripture-based principles and practices. We all see and feel the difference.

Much love,


P.S. If you missed Connie’s KSL segment on “Get Centered in Your Soul”, check it out or read an enhanced version on KSL’s Motherhood Matters blog.


2 thoughts on “When You Follow Your Heart/Free Faithful Videos and Resources!”

  1. colleen mitchell

    Connie, thank you for your recent article about the burn victim lady. It was so refreshing to read something that inspired me. I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder but have spent and dedicated my life to not letting it rule me. It has been a beautiful challenge and one that I feel deeply grateful to have received because now im understanding how to partner with the Lord. Thank you for following the call inside is you. Keep going!! -You’re making a difference.

    1. Thank you so much for your gracious words. Kudos to you for triumphing over your difficulties–and you are so right, we all have them, and in the dealing with them we are deepened and blessed, especially as we share our struggles with others. Thank you for taking a minute to share these thoughts, so wonderful:)

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