What’s your “Wonderful Something”?

Last week I had the amazing and inspiring opportunity to speak at Education Week. This fantastic program that brings good women together to feel, be, and do just a little more to be happy and connected to Him. I live off that spiritual and emotional high for weeks.
One thing that struck me in connecting with women was their desire to do good. Then last night I read a wonderful article that had these thoughts:
Mother-TeresaYears ago, Mother Teresa spoke at a Harvard graduation. To this primarily academic-focused group she shared the message that “in going into the world, [they would] go with Jesus, [would] work for Jesus, and [would] serve him in the distressing guise of the poor.” Then she shared how a young Indian couple came to her with a money gift for the poor, having given up their traditional wedding feast and clothes to give each other a special sacrifice, what they called, “the wonderful something.”
The author of the article concluded with, “God asks that we act courageously in giving of ourselves and sharing the gifts and blessings He has given us. Take the talents and skills you have developed and go out and be a positive force for and on behalf of our Savior.” (Elder Robert C. Gay, Ensign, September 2014, p.60).
These words hit me powerfully, as I had shared these very thoughts in my talk during Education Week on “Joy in Womanhood.” Not just to develop our talents, but to ask God how to better use them for good.
Then the phrase from Mother Teresa’s story further seared my thoughts with “the wonderful something.”
What is your Wonderful Something? The talent, gift, or energy that only you can do or share with others? James E. Faust has said, “A woman can and must have an identity and feel useful, valued, and needed…She must feel that she can do something for someone else that no one else ever born can do.”
As a mother, I daily feel that purposefulness, knowing despite my limitations that I’m the best mother for my children and that no one can take my place in that role. And, that as a woman, I have even more within to share with others in ways that He continually shows me.
This fall I invite you to consider what your personal Wonderful Something is, and feel the joy of the discovery, allowing yourself to learn, grow, and share throughout the process.

2 thoughts on “What’s your “Wonderful Something”?”

  1. What wonderful timing! Thank you for sharing your thoughts & the article. I was feeling sad that my time of life in motherhood right now makes it impossible to attend Education Week (& more specifically your class there). But I forget that timely messages can reach us in so many different ways. I know what my wonderful something is — thank you for reminding me that learning about it, growing in it, & sharing it with others is a PROCESS. 🙂

    1. I apologize for the delay in responding! Thanks so much for your sweet message and so glad you got a boost and found your “wonderful something”–that makes me happy, especially because learning that life lesson, that it’s a process, is absolutely key! So many of us take way too long to figure that out and then accept it! Keep up the great work in motherhood and know you are doing amazing things in the unamazing of daily life:) Best, Connie

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