What’s the Best-kept Secret to True Joy?

The other day my mom shared an experience that made me consider this question.

She was standing in line at a thrift store and overheard a conversation between a worried mother and her young daughter who excitedly clutched a pretty “party” dress. The mother said, we can’t afford it, and the daughter’s face fell. It cost $10. My mom stepped up to them and explained that as a grandma, her girls didn’t live close by, and would the woman mind if she paid for the dress? It turned out that it was the young girl’s birthday.

Another friend shared the experience of her mother and sister. As coupon queens, they had just gone shopping, purchasing about $1000 worth of groceries for about $30. Exiting the store and excited by the rewards of their hard work, the mother noticed a man sitting in his car eating a pudding. Something struck her as odd so she walked over to him, struck up a conversation, and found out he had fallen on hard times. The two women gave him three bags full of groceries. Before leaving the gentleman explained to them he had taken a paper route to help make some money, and would they like one of his extra Sunday papers to say thank you? When the women got home, these coupon gals found out that the paper contained not the usual one coupon section (which you’re lucky to find), but FOUR coupon sections.

In both of these situations, I was impressed that these women were aware of others’ needs, and then lovingly helped. Isn’t that the essence of true joy? Caring. Making other people’s lives that much brighter by a simple something we do.

Feel more true joy this week by looking, listening, and letting yourself help without embarrassment or fear.

P.S. Keep up the 8-week challenge! Our family goal yielded not only a clean garage (at least for two days), but clean kids’ rooms, laundry room, and kid’s counter/papers/etc. JOY!

1 thought on “What’s the Best-kept Secret to True Joy?”

  1. I just found your blog because of a google search on your name because I can’t attend Education Week this year due to my brand new twin boys and needing to move to Texas for graduate school for my husband. I’m so disappointed I won’t be able to hear you speak! You’re one of my absolute favorites. I’m so excited to find you have a blog. I can get a little dose of Connie on a regular basis. 🙂 It strikes me as funny that at a time when women need the spiritual boost so much they aren’t able to attend Education Week because of their new baby(ies). Thanks for sharing your wisdom in a way I can partake of on my own! I sincerely appreciate it.

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