The Power of Music- Guest Post by Musician Hilary Weeks

This week, I’m thrilled to have beautiful and talented Hilary Weeks guest posting! If you’ve heard her heartfelt, connecting music then you already know her. If you haven’t, you can check out the music video below to one of my all-time favorite songs.
Meanwhile, today she’s sharing the power of music on the spiritual side of our lives. During this month of Create a Life Plan, it’s key to anchor our plans to the spiritual for a clear and truthful direction. And it sounds and feels fabulous too:)
Thanks, Hilary for sharing today and in every way:)

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Music is everywhere.  It plays while we fill our grocery cart.  It hides under the roar of the crowd at sporting events. With the push of a button we turn it on in the car.  It is as important to the success of a movie as the actors and actresses.

You know as well as I do that one line of a song can remind you of your senior prom, your first love, a road trip.

Music is the backdrop of our lives.  There is music to match every mood.  I love the quote that says, “Music is what feelings sound like.”

I am a songwriter.  I find joy in creating music that has never been heard before. There is a thrill that comes from writing something that was so inspired that it almost seemed to write itself.  There is also the disappointment of having writer’s block – or writer’s envy…if that is such a thing.

Some composers love to write about love.  Some like to hog-tie a good ‘ole country song.  Some writers can only be happy if they’re singing the blues.

My passion is writing about Jesus.  I love to sing about Him.  I love to help people feel close to Him.  I love to write songs that remind people that He loves us and is watching over us every minute of every day.

Often times the music I write is best applied during the quiet moments of life.  I write music with the intention to lift and encourage.  I write about Jesus Christ so listeners can find and feel His love in the midst of challenges and trials.

We need music we can dance, celebrate, laugh and have fun with.  We also need music that finds us when we are lost. That’s the kind of music I love writing the most.

I keep a treasure box of letters.  Hundreds of notes from people who have been touched by this music.  I save every letter because it reminds me that Christ-centered music lifts, elevates, inspires, builds and at times, even saves.

I opened the treasure box this afternoon and pulled a few letters from the top.

“My husband died two years ago.  I lost myself.  But your music is making me stronger, better and more alive.  I am picking up the pieces and going to dance again.”

“Music was then and now a huge gift and support to me.”

“Music has helped me through a frightening time in life.”

“I was reminded that the Savior did hear me.  He in fact KNEW my pain and loss.  I no longer felt alone.”

I am grateful for the gift of music in all of our lives.

You can find Hilary on Facebook, at and on Instagram @hilaryweeksmusic.

Don’t miss Hilary’s music video for “Beautiful Heartbreak”

If you liked this, don’t miss last weeks KSL article. “Get Emotionally Unstuck.”


2 thoughts on “The Power of Music- Guest Post by Musician Hilary Weeks”

  1. Thank you to Hilary and others who share their talents of music. As soon as I am up each morning, the music is going. It is calming, reverent music. I play it all day. It is very calming to me, and helps me to stay focused on what is most important. I do not know how music does that…except that it helps me remain calm. A new CD is a favorite gift for myself. Music is a beautiful gift that can be shared with anyone.

    1. Loved this, Diane. I find the same thing. Before bedtime last night we were listening to some Native American music (the soft wood pipes kind of music), makes you almost hear raindrops. Sooooothing:)

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