The Easiest Filing System

If you’re like most women, the word “file” makes you shudder and reach for the cheesecake.

Life Coach and Author Connie Sokol shares a 4-step approach she calls “the easiest filing system ever!”

If you’re like most women, the word “file” makes you shudder and reach for the cheesecake. But messy files and lost documents have a cost. Studies show that the average U.S. Executive wastes six weeks per year searching for missing information in cluttered desks and files—about one hour a day. That adds up (and could be used for a nice bath and a good book). Instead of avoiding the filing abyss, try this super quick filing system to get and stay organized.
Choose your categories. First determine which five to seven categories you most often use and can remember (no more than 5-7!) Typical categories include Legal/Taxes, Medical, House and Warranty, Insurance, and Financial.
Do a Simple Sort. Choose five to seven small storage tubs (I use basic clear ones), a larger “To Do” tub, and a garbage bag. Place them in a semi-circle before you (on the floor is the most ideal). Write the 5-7 categories on sticky notes and apply to individual tubs. Then take a basket of messy papers and, one at a time, use the 3-second rule: only take three seconds to decide where it goes. Put it in the tub that best fits and “fuhget about it.” Remember, we’re NOT fully organizing what goes in each tub—not yet. We’re doing a simple sort to separate the papers into main categories. Beautifully, you can stop and start anytime. Simply stack the tubs out of sight then later continue where you left off.
Do a Detail Sort. When you desire, take each main category tub and get nitty gritty with the subcategories. First, consider what they are. For example, Medical might include the following: Medical—Children, Medical— Pregnancy, Medical—Parents and Medicare, etc. Write these subcategories on file folder labels in pencil so you can change your mind. Remember 80% of what is in our file cabinets is never looked at again, so keep what really counts and can’t be easily duplicated.
To make subcategory sorts even easier, use colored file folders for each main category. For example: financial (green), house and warranty (blue), medical (red), etc. Put the white file folder label on the folder, then toss in the subcategory paper. Easy peesy, lemon squeezy.
Lastly, make a File Map. Quickly type the categories and subcategories you’ve actually used. Put this main File Map paper in front of the big file drawer or file tub. This makes filing future papers a snap, especially when you can’t remember what subcategories are available. I also have a “Mom Binder” to keep the most important documents at my fingertips (i.e. children’s immunizations, meal planning, contact numbers, etc.)
This filing system works, so quickly and easily too. Recently my husband needed to renew his driver’s license as it was due and we were leaving on vacation. Running out the door to renew it, he realized he needed his vital documents—birth certificate, passport, etc. I went right to my filing system, opened the Legal folder, picked out the file “Vital Documents” and there they were. A fabulous mother moment worthy of a cupcake reward. So give this filing system a try and enjoy the reduced clutter, mess, and stress.

Connie Sokol is a mother of six—expecting her seventh—and just released her newest book, Motherhood Matters: Joyful Reminders of the Divinity, Reality, and Rewards of Motherhood. She is a TV contributor for KSL’s “Studio 5”, a presenter, and former TV and radio host. For her books, tips, product, and free podcasts, visit

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