President Monson's wife passes

President and Sister Monson wave to the congregation following a session of general conference© 2011 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved

As many of you know, I’m a member of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the Mormons.
President Thomas S. Monson’s wife, Sister Frances J. Monson, just passed away. I wanted to take a minute and add my tribute to this wonderful woman who did so much for her husband.
In our “15 minutes of fame” society, so much in print, online and on TV revolves around fame, celebrity and notoriety. So it may be hard for some to appreciate that people really do love to serve their family in the capacity of a nurturing woman, wife and mother.
That was Sister Frances Monson. She did so much, and mostly in the background. From all that I know of Sister Monson, she was a sensible, capable woman who kept a sense of humor. One of my favorite stories about President Monson was when he told about going grocery shopping and didn’t know how the cart worked. He thought the front opening meant his cart was defective because the potatoes kept falling out! As he readily admitted, she was the one to keep the homefront steady and functioning.
Another favorite story was a few years back when he told of sitting in the hospital at her bedside while she slept. I’m paraphrasing slightly, but suddenly, she opened her eyes and said, “Tommy, we’re in trouble.” Shocked to see her awake, he said, “Why’s that?” She said, “Because I forgot to send in our quarterly tax statements.” I love that story because that is exactly how we women are–we can be in the middle of labor and suddenly remember we forgot to turn off the oven.
Sister Monson was an absolute anchor for her husband, as biographer Heidi S. Swinton said she was the last formidable barrier to pass through for an approval on something. I can only imagine the grief that he must be feeling at this time after losing such a devoted companion, and especially in these later years.
My heart is tender for women such as Sister Monson, who serve their husbands and families so faithfully, without accolades, and with genuine love and joy. It is the essence of the service of the Savior. And Sister Monson leaves that beautiful legacy for her grateful loved ones.

5 thoughts on “President Monson's wife passes”

  1. I’m so glad I happen to receive a Google alert for your blog post. What a sweet tribute to Sister Monson. Thank you for sharing such lovely thoughts about such a faithful daughter of God, and eternal companion of our dear Prophet.

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