My Unexpected Hawaiian Chronicles

img_1743We just returned from a big family trip to Hawaii (thank you, SkyMiles). Before leaving on the trip, I promised myself two things: to be present and nonproductive (okay, except for outside of the 6-hour flights—when else would I get that kind of golden time??) 
And funnily enough, something magical happened. Although the sun, waves, and family connection was to be expected, I experienced something new.
The Hawaiian Chronicles.
What, pray tell, are those?  The name I gave to a running list of my thoughts and insights that surfaced with some much-needed downtime. As I paid attention to life, I found myself making better intentional choices that aligned with what I truly wanted, not just “getting something done.”
I felt them to be personal victories, such as:
*On the first evening there, we stopped to get something to eat (Papa Ole’s—our soon-to-be home away img_1962from home). Next door was a store. As we waited for our food I was about to multi-task and run in to the store real quick to pick up groceries while everyone chatted and enjoyed their time. Then I stopped. My “be present” promise rang in my ears. I shook my head and said, No hurrying, uber planning, or running—the only running I’m doing is on the beach!
*After using my laptop on the flight over—and all the battery—I realized post-landing that I had also forgotten my laptop charger (subconscious slip?) Knowing I would need to power up for the golden time flight home, I called the nearest Radio Shack (30 minutes away). But you know what? I let it sit, then slide, and then completely let it go. Instead, on the flight home I treated myself to an inspiring movie, handwritten thoughts, and Austen reading!
img_1818*On our last day of the trip we had planned to go swimming (as we had every single day but Sunday!) However, by that last morning the tumbling in the waves had caught up with me and I felt drugged-tired to my bones (I might, perhaps, not be as young in body as I thought…) Even with the tiredness, the conflicting thought came, I need to be there, to support the family experience, to be involved, blah blah blah.
 As I debated (face down on the bed), my toddler sitting next to me suddenly said, “I want to stay home.” That sealed the deal. It actually worked out to be a blessing for me help us pack/prepare to go, and be more present with all.
Sadly, I know traveling to Hawaii won’t be my downtime go-to. However, the lessons I learned during this single week I’m still applying after our return. Ironically, this week in Studio 5 I’ll be talking about this very subject (not planned) and how to create “pockets of peace.” 
I hope you’ll join me and even share with me your favorite ways to find this gold mine of peaceful and personal inspiration.  
All my best,

2 thoughts on “My Unexpected Hawaiian Chronicles”

  1. It is so hard to be okay with simply thinking: no phone, no book, no paper with pen, no music, no people. After the anxiety subsides, it feels wonderful! Thanks for the reminder; I find I need them continually! Thanks tons for your empowering work. I always used my little children and household responsibilities as excuses to put personal growth on hold. Best wishes always!

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