Get Organized! 3 Quick Tips

If you hate getting organized, try one of these quick tips to get you going!
#1. Accept some chaos. Understand that no matter how many great tips or fabulous formulas you use, if you have a family, there will be mess. It doesn’t mean you have to accept it everywhere, but simply not to stress when the garage is untidy AGAIN (not that this happens at our house, every other week). Or that your children don’t remember their dishwasher day AGAIN (every Monday and Tuesday). Or that the boys’ bathroom continually smells like, well, a boys’ bathroom (again and again and again…)
#2. Chewable chunks. You don’t need endless hours to complete a task, but you do have to be content with a little here, a little there. A few weeks ago my goal was to de-clutter the kitchen cabinets. So I did one drawer, A DAY. Can someone say excruciating? But that’s all I could do with my baby, my six kids’ schedules, and Back to Basics. But it’s paid off. Tonight, at the last minute, the kids wanted to make s’mores up at a nearby pavilion. In a hurry they asked for the ingredients and I was able to quickly say, “The crackers are up above the fridge, the candy bars and marshmallows are in the kids’ cabinet, and the metal skewers are in the bottom specialty drawer.” Can someone say Stellar Mother Moment (that no one appreciated but me).
#3. Stop making so many lists. I could probably start a support group on this. My BFF is generally a large sticky pad in a bright color.Very sad. So a few months ago I had an epiphany-stop rewriting the same things and like Nike, just do them. So I did. I made one list for the week, then went through it daily. When something new needed to be added, I opted first to just do it. It was utterly amazing how many of the “yucky” things (i.e., filing, sorting, tracking) I got done that kept getting bumped to the next week’s list. This works for quick cleaning too-one day I saw that the silverware tray was full of crumbs. I went to write it down and thought, it will take me just as long to empty the silverware, wipe out the tray, and put it back in. Within minutes it was done and with no nasty reminder list pulsating in the background. So next time you’re tempted to write something down, ask yourself-can it be done now?
Give one of these tips a whirl and see how much more organized you become and feel!
8-week Challenge Winner!
Congratulations to Andrea Urban. You did a great job on your goals last week. 
I LOVE the goal sheets I get to read! Last week this one caught my attention-her goal was to start a savings: “I fashioned a plastic juice bottle into a bank complete with a slit in the lid.  I gathered change for the first couple of days, feeling almost embarrassed when picking up coins from around the house. Then I was able to sell an item that I had listed a month ago for $40 on a Facebook yard sale list that I’m on.” LOVED this, way to go! Start today, start small, just start!
Product Pick
Get Organized! Save 26 Hours a Week CD! Streamline key areas of your life including kids’ cleaning, meals, bills, and more. Learn the key formula I’ve used for over 10 years and LOVE. Sale $9.99 includes S&H.

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