Day-25Now that you’ve walked with the Savior for 24 days and learned more about who He is, I hope  you’ll consider the character traits that have particularly touched or resonated with you.
Then, I invite you to choose one trait to improve for a specific period of time. Perhaps the rest of December, or for a month, or even for a year.
Whatever you choose, know that the very act of choosing and then focusing on change, opens spiritual doors and opportunity for blessings, and possible challenges. Growth is not a smooth road, but it’s a worthwhile one, that leads us right to the Savior, which is where we ultimately want to.
Jesus Christ gave us the greatest gift of all—the gift of change. Through sacrificing His will and fulfilling His mission, He gave us the opportunity to become the very best that we can be, with eternal and limitless potential, to become like Him.
I’m so thankful for that gift. I love Him and can’t express my gratitude enough for the life, love, and happiness He continually brings me.
Merry Christmas,

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