Day-21Matthew 4:2-3, 10-11
“2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.
3 And when the tempter came to him…
10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
11 Then the devil leaveth him…”
Because this section is a bit lengthy, I’ll paraphrase. If you remember, Jesus is tempted to turn stones into bread, to throw himself down from a high place so angels can rescue Him, and finally the supposed riches of the world.
Food, fame, and fortune. Even though He is presented with these core temptations, Jesus refutes them and replies with what has been written, or the spiritual law.
Throughout our lives, we’ll have our own temptations to stray from our true focus. As women we have so many options, and so very many talents, that it can be easy to get distracted from being a mother, or helping others as a single woman in a personally meaningful way. As Sheri Dew once said, we can focus on our wardrobes, waistlines, and bank accounts, and for what? Those distractions will take us on roads and in directions that won’t lead to lasting happiness.
I just spoke with a friend about this very thing. We had both re-read “Of Regrets and Resolutions” by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. A life-changing talk on so many levels, this good lady told me after reading it she evaluated her busy life. A mother, photographer, graphic designer, holder of a large church responsibility, and more, she also was an author with a book to be completed and released in a few weeks. However, after considering what mattered most at this time, she chose to let it go, disappointing some but definitely blessing her family.
Those kinds of fork-in-the-road decisions can be small or large, but they are always pivotal. Each time we choose to stay focused on our personal purpose, and not wander after more money, or a bigger home, or increasing our busyness, we find greater peace, fulfillment, and joy in who we are meant to truly become.
What can you eliminate or choose to stay focused on your most important purpose right now?
Merry Christmas,

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