Day-101John 10:10
“10 … I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
This is one of my FAVORITE scriptures! I love how positive and other-focused it is. The Savior’s purpose for coming here, for all that He endured and experienced, is that we all might have life, and then, have it even more abundantly, more joyfully, more eternally! That is the Savior—more of all the good. More awareness, happiness, and ability to change, and more gratitude that He makes it possible. He brings greater abundance of mercy, peace, and love. He shows us the higher, and happier, way, always focused on how He can help us have more of what matters most.
He took Peter, an lowly, impetuous fisherman, and made him into a spiritually deep, committed, and powerful man of God whose spiritual contribution is known around the world, and through generations. He asked to dine with Zacchaeus and with His influence, changed this publican’s heart. After the encounter, Zacchaeus feels to repair the financial damage he has inflicted, at great cost to his own fortune, experiencing greater personal and spiritual riches.
True abundance.
Just for today, how you can appreciate your abundance? What can you put into your life, or take out, that will help you feel a greater abundance of the good?

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