Cuisine in Paris – Oh the Food!

TablesettingWhen my friend, Nichole, asked if I wanted to come to Paris to help with her kids, she also asked if I would set out meals and make them pretty.
At first I laughed. Me, efficiency gal, Queen of the 3-minute Fajitas, do French food, AND MAKE IT LOOK GOOD?
She assuaged my fears. Apparently a place in Paris did flash frozen gourmet French food (my new BFF), and all I had to do was heat and make it pretty.
But the latter was the scary part for me. Seriously. With seven kids, my daily meals are not about beautiful presentation. I was so nervous about it before we left–could I make it nice for the workshop attendees?
But I am happy to relate this has been such a joy, and an unexpected one! Nichole’s aunt came to visit for a few days so we made some meals together, and what a hoot! We added a bit of this and that, rounded up silver candlestick holders and copied a trick of Aunt Joan’s mother, wrapping the candles with paper towel to get them to stand straight.
Yummy FoodThe chicken cordon bleu and potatoes looked too brown and bland, so I suggested (me!) we use the decorative salad greens to add some pop. Joan suggested using some lemon cream sauce from the poached fish to put over the cordon bleu (not pictured) and the end result was beautiful.
We laughed, we decorated, we pretended to be Martha Stewart. And though Aunt Joan leaves tomorrow, I can say that I feel confident to repeat this on my own for the next workshop (I think).
What I have learned with this is truly, that one fear could have seriously kept me from going or enjoying Paris–my worry that I would blow it for Nichole and the workshop attendees as far as food went (a big part of the whole experience for them). But I’m so grateful I took that step because I received a gift in the form of Aunt Joan.
I think that’s life. We’re presented with opportunities to get out of comfort zone–face a  new challenge, assume a new responsibility, make a new acquaintance. We can make excuses as to why we can’t and walk away from it. Or, we can take one step and hope that the way opens up for us to be able to take the next. Then out of the blue will come an Aunt Joan.
Dessert2My cooking challenge may seem silly to some, but to me it wasn’t. So perhaps, look at a challenge you might face and see it from someone else’s perspective, someone who loves and knows you. No doubt they will say, “Well, OF COURSE you can do that.”
Meanwhile, I’m ready for lunch today. We have no idea what is being brought from the market but I am armed with candles and greens. Move over Martha:)
P.S. To see additional pictures of the food and the countryside in Paris, France, please make sure you visit my Facebook Page and ‘Like’ to keep up with all my travels in Paris.

1 thought on “Cuisine in Paris – Oh the Food!”

  1. Connie, I love reading aboutyour new experiences and the fun you are having. I, too, have been learning about stepping out of my comfort zone and experiencing new things. Thanks for the inspiration and the great example! hugs~ Kari Pike

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