Fit & Fab in REAL Life!

With the crisp fall weather maybe you’ve been wanting to start or notch up your fitness goals, but just can’t seem to get in the groove. Here is one VITAL suggestion for your success: create a DOABLE rhythm and routine that you like!
I don’t know about you (“I’m feeling 22…”) but if I don’t have a routine, fugghet about it. For months I hadn’t been doing much with structured fitness but one morning I JUST STARTED. Right there, in my bedroom, in my pjs, while my son played with his cars.
Nothing fancy, just my 15-minute work. Ooooh, I know, pretty strenuous and biggest loser written all over it but not in the weight loss way. However, it was doable, and I did it (see routine below), and even repeated it during the week (and am STILL doing it, woo hoo!)
In order to create a regular routine, choose a time and day in your schedule that’s best. I could tell my window needed to be between the first and second wave of kids going out to the door. I had a half hour in between. However, my toddler a.k.a. constant adorable companion needed to fit the rhythm. Enter the TV show, “Curious George.” Now, it’s not ideal, but it’s not the worst either. And, what I’ve found is that each time I begin exercising, he likes to be my “helper”—i.e., while I stretch in a wide v, he runs and jumps on my back, which I like to think positively as a personal trainer increasing my flexibility…
If I start in that half-hour window, I’m good to go. I feel better, I don’t sweat like a total pig but I get my body moving and potentially losing weight which means it’s working.
Find your personal rhythm and routine and you will feel great, be consistent, and see results!
My 15-minute Workout Routine: (okay, give or take 15 minutes—I actually don’t look at the clock, I just finish when I finish!)
Warm up with 25 jumping jacks
Ski squats 10 count/3x [this means I do it ten times for a set, then three sets total)
Big squat steps, 30 count/3x [I deep lunge-walk around the house, tidying as I go…]
Individual leg lunges, 30 count/2x
Push ups (regular) 10-15 count/2x
Sit ups—core crunch 50x upper abs and 50x lower abs
Bent leg Callanetics 50 count each leg [Can’t describe, fill in your own exercise!]
My Choice (if time, and whatever I feel like!)
Stretch—various (leg, arm, etc.)

1 thought on “Fit & Fab in REAL Life!”

  1. Awesome, thank you for sharing. I’m assuming it gets easier over time. I started doing yoga every morning, it was hard at first but now it’s my happy, ME time.

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