A Christ-Centered Christmas: Inspiring Stories on Handel's Messiah

Inspiring Stories on Handel’s Messiah

This is from George Handel and we know him as a very famous composer and I’m going to jump right in because I don’t want to talk about all the historical part of this. I really want to talk about him being at this place, this crossroads because it’s so fabulous to liken these famous people who we revere for some of the things that they have done.

For example, with George Handel creating the Messiah and that every Christmas season, this and Easter, it’s played and it is profound and even though we can enjoy it year round, it is just a profound experience if you’ve ever listened to it.

If you’ve ever attended a messiah singing, there is something that happens when you listen to this music and especially when you partake of or participate in singing that music.

For example, with that messiah singing, it’s incredible. You all are in an auditorium and everyone is split into their parts of Soprano, alto, tenor, bass, and then you get the Libretto and you just sing.

It doesn’t matter if you know what you’re doing or you don’t know, you just all sing out and it’s easier to kind of follow along because everybody’s singing so beautifully. So here is this incredible experience and we we get to have it year after year, season after season.

How did this happen and what was the background that was going on in order for this to be created? And that’s the story that’s interesting to me.

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