If this past Mother’s Day you didn’t receive Motherhood Matters as a gift, it is now time to buy this gift for yourself. Not convinced? Then read the excerpt below from the book and then purchase either a Kindle version of the book, or hardback. In both cases, it is small enough to carry around with you to get that uplift we all need as mothers. You can also ‘Click to LOOK INSIDE‘.
“Motherhood is near to divinty. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind,” the 1942 First Presidency said.
Despite what we see on a television screen or read in a magazine, motherhood is a holy calling and a divine privilege.
But how do we align the divine privilege of child-rearing with the reality of wiping green bean spit-up, or put cleaning the toilet in the context of “a holy calling”?
It is precisely because of the mundane and even distasteful that we come to see the holiness of what we do. “The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?” (D&C 122:8).
It’s in the humble work and self-sacrifice that we find strength, honor, and valor to keep doing what needs to be done to forward something greater than ourselves–another divine human being.”
To own your own copy, CLICK HERE.