Because of Him.
As I was planning for the coming week—things to do, to finish, to fit in—I happened to remember President Nelson’s video (see below), and that I hadn’t watched it, yet. So, I stopped my planning and started watching.
It changed my focus.
Because of Him.
Instead of doing lots and THEN thinking of Him for the coming Easter and General Conference, it flipped my week the other way around.
In that spiritually satisfying way, it put life back in the right order. And now, this week will be For Him.
Yes, I still have carpool and grocery shopping and podcast recordings, but it all shifted when I truly planned for first things first. I’m so grateful for that shifting power of this message by President Russell M. Nelson.
As he said, by remembering the palms on this Palm Sunday we can worship “by remembering the palms of His hands.”
Because of Him, we can be and do all things.
Because of Him, I have every good thing in my life.
Because of him, I have hope, healing, and help at my praying fingertips.
I have the knowledge of who I really am, and what I’m really to do, and how I really can love.
Because of Him.
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