“In speaking with women over the years, I hear that some feel it’s selfish to spend time on oneself, that free time should be spent on serving. Other women hesitate to develop talents, achieve goals, or fulfill dreams, feeling that it isn’t allowed. Some women wait for others—a spouse or a good friend—to give them permission to feel joy.
More of these “Joy Drainers” are rooted in worries, distractions, and perceived imperfections . . . Each of the reasons for not feeling joy have one thing in common—they can be changed. Add a few “Joy Juicers”—mental and daily shifts—and you can feel excited about your life.” [Faithful, Fit & Fabulous, Chapter Three].
What would juice up your life? Today? Though I share suggestions in Back to Basics, I encourage you to find your personal perks. Is it stopping for a fresh muffin, or resting at a park for 15 minutes between appointments? Is it having your children make dinner or asking your husband to take over while you take a nap? From looking at beautiful paintings to reading a chapter of a good book, find your Joy Juicer, right now, today. Then enjoy it!
All my best,