Get Fit? Easy as 1-2-3

imgres-2Want to lose weight, get in better shape, or control those eat-a-whole-fudge cake urges? This month join us on Connie’s Corner for tips on everything from how to create healthy habits to making your ideal Life Plan.
Meanwhile, to lose weight (or achieve any goal) we need to create fresh routines or grooves (neural and temporal). Here are three simple steps to shift your current routine to one that literally creates a new groove!

  1. Decide your ONE habit to change. For details on this, check out my blog post or Studio 5 segment. For now, suffice it to say, ONE HABIT is the monthly mantra! Forget focusing on a scale number or amount of inches (although these are important factors). FOCUS on changing one key habit. That ignites the change.

For example, I’ve focused recently on working out in the morning. NOT on a set workout time, amount of time, or even routines. But simply deciding that this will happen three times a week,period. Now that I’ve decided, I’m not fighting myself. That eliminates wasted energy, which means increased juice to achieve my goal.

  1. Prep for success. Having decided that one habit, now I define what that looks like. I choose the workouts, the best times and days, what clothes I need, the space I’ll use, etc. As I prepare those items ahead of time, success is already 80% guaranteed—I just need to show up to make it 100%.

In a snapshot, this is how it looks for me. Right after waking, I put on my workout clothes (that triggers my brain to say, Why yes, we’re working out this morning!) My shoes, weights, etc., are in a tub right in my clean master bedroom (all toys and play things removed). I know that 7 go-time, and which three workouts I’m choosing from depending on how my body feels (SO important—check in with your body to do what HELPS you, not just to keep a goal). On three different mornings I choose three different workouts because of the situation (with my body, my kids or my mojo).
Each of these items means I don’t have to think. They’re prepared, which keeps it simple. And doable.

  1. Choose a reward. If you want your habits to change, you need a dangling carrot. The bigger or more entrenched the habit, the more powerful the dangling carrot needs to be. Find what makes you tick—find a few things. Then adjust the how-to in way that fits your needs and budget. One of my rewards is creative writing. But the problem is no time! With working out three times this week, I feel great about “hiring” my daughter to babysit for a few hours so I can savor the creative moment. A win-win all around!

Losing weight and feeling great are all about changing our mindset and our actions. Pick one of these tips, or even all three, and give it a go. Get more motivation and updates on goal results at Connie’s Corner. Click Here!
*Choose Fresh Start, Fabulous You to target life changes. Or, Get Fit & Fabulous to lose weight and feel great, inside and out. These principles work!!
Enjoy these testimonials on the Back to Basics principles:
“Doing this program has helped me in so many ways. I have lightened with my family, I laugh more, and feel more patient. It’s amazing to me that focusing on one thing has brought so many benefits.” Jodi A.
“I lost four pounds last week; that’s nine since we started. I exchanged two of my cardio workouts for Pilates and yoga. Didn’t sweat but my body needed the break and I loved it.” Jill H.

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