3 Big Workout Mistakes FREE ebook w/Costco book

Connie SokolDon’t miss Connie’s Costco Bountiful Book signing this Saturday, 12-3 p.m
I discovered a few workout fallacies from reading a great article from The Center for Hormone Therapy (www.healinghormones.com.) See if they help you make the most out of your workout!
First, exercise doesn’t burn fat like butter. Fat cells are storage for energy reserve. Working out triggers hormones to release the fat.
The process goes like this: tear down muscles; body builds them back up better; the energy for the process comes from either sugar or fat; without sugar, the body uses fat; the process occurs during rest time.
1. Not tearing down muscles enough to create change. Workout more intensely, not necessarily longer.
2. Don’t eat sugar! Consuming even a bit of sugar automatically prevents fat burning from occurring (even as little as three ounces of orange juice!)
3. Workout every other day. Sometimes every two days. The rest time allows fat to be used for energy.

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