Rest and Renew

We are in a Shifting Place.

Talking with my missionary daughter the other morning (for over 2 hours!) I was again amazed at how parallel our lives, on two different continents and situations, can so often be.

After an inspiring and incredible conference weekend she had felt the same as I–a need to shift. A need to uplevel. A need to be more and do it differently. Even if only by degrees. 

The clear thought has come to me…Rest and Renew. 

To use this gift of time to rest, as much as possible. Mind, body, and soul. Not just lay down or sleep (although I recommend both…)

But to REST from daily worries, familiar stresses, and grinding expectations. 
To daily find peace and fulfillment and wisdom in Him.

Then to RENEW. To clear out what doesn’t belong and refresh with what does. That means, for us, to go room by room and let go of what isn’t working.

That means intentionally choosing how our home environment can support and uplift us. 
That means to be stringently honest with myself, and let go of a favorite action or thought that isn’t moving me forward. My friend calls her Diet Coke “my precious” #lordoftheringsappliestoeverything.

This Shifting Place is for me to find “my precious” obstacles that seem to be innocuous and yet are keeping me from who I want to be. 

Rest and renew. Review and refresh. Peace and progression. That’s what I see and feel in this Shifting Place. 

What are you seeing and feeling? 

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