Decluttering Makes Change!

Have you noticed the connection between de-cluttering and motivation for change? I believe everything we have creates a sort of “stewardship” which invisibly layers upon us. As we remove “things” we feel more clear, open, and organized. That makes “room” for change. Try some of these simple tips to jump-start that change.

The power of one: one drawer (last summer I did one drawer A DAY…), one cabinet, or one closet. Don’t underestimate the power of one. When I did the kitchen cabinets I made the goal of one but ended up doing two-thirds of them in the same day.

Keep a clear counter. My children know one of my favorite phrases from their sweet mouths is, “It’s a clear-counter day in the kitchen, Mom!” That means all dishes are in the dishwasher and extraneous items are gone from the counters. If you want an immediate pick-me-up, choose a counter and go to it. Clear off everything that isn’t absolutely necessary, keeping only a very few decorative items that matter most.

Reclaim a room. If your bedroom is full of kids’ toys, poster paper, bills, or to-dos, do a quick de-clutter and reclaim your sanity. First, remember what the room is used for, then eliminate what doesn’t belong in that room. Then, create a more beautiful ambience. For ideas, check out Living a Beautiful Life by Alexandra Stoddard. A few candles, meaningful pictures in new frames, or perky pillows and soft throw over the bed can restore the room to a sanctuary.
The more we let go of what doesn’t matter, the more we’re motivated to pursue what does.


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