A Missionary’s Mission

As a missionary mom, I’m feeling–and getting–the questions and the wondering. Especially about what coming home early, to quarantine, and/or early release means to and for a missionary.

Then I re-read this powerful talk by Elder David A. Bednar.

“A missionary is not called to a place; rather he or she is called to serve…

“Each call and assignment, or a later reassignment, is the result of revelation through the Lord’s servants. The spiritual gifts of prophecy and revelation attend all mission calls and assignments…

“‘Wherefore, go ye and preach my gospel, whether to the north or to the south, to the east or to the west, it mattereth not, for ye cannot go amiss.’

“An assignment to a labor in a specific place is essential and important but secondary to a call to the work.” (“Called to the Work,” Ensign, 2017). .

As I’ve shared with my own daughter, it’s not where you serve, but how. It’s not who you serve, but that you serve. With love. With the spirit. With the words of the Savior. With the knowledge that you are sharing good news and life-changing choices.

Lastly, this beautiful quote.

“Not a single member of this Church should carry an unnecessary burden of misunderstanding, uncertainty, anguish, or guilt about an assignment to labor.”

And that includes the moms. That includes the parents who are wondering and consoling and encouraging. I’ll talk more about this on Thursday to “Moms and Missionaries.” .

Know that He knows you and your missionary. That He has got each of us. And that He truly does know the end from the beginning, and that it will all work together for our good. Because that is who He is, and that is what He does.

Join me for a free MOMS of Missionaries Webinar–Helping Moms Help Missionaries Transition and get tools to help you and your missionary make the shift.

Register to join us live [or to get the recorded replay] on Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. MT.

Register here by clicking here: https://conniesokol.activehosted.com/f/3

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