10 Ways to Sneak in a Workout

Hi Ladies,Women Doing Aerobics
For those working on your Fit & Fabulous goals, here are some tips on sneaking in a workout when it’s inconvenient, which is usually all the time. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom’s, work full-time, or have our church responsibilities, use one of these tips to burn a few hundred extra calories.
1. Wear a pedometer to track how many steps you walk each day–set a goal for 10,000.
2. Play with your kids and I mean, play with your kids. At least 10-20 minutes of physical activity. Your kids will love you for it, too.
3. Do ten side leg lifts while blow drying your hair.
4. If you have stairs in your home, set a goal to use your stairs a certain amount each day.
5. During these winter months, shoveling snow is a great all body workout.
6. Every 10 minutes do 15 squats.
7. Park further away when shopping or running errands–this really works!
8. Find a friend and catch up on the latest news while walking through the mall.
9. Have a treadmill? Add light hand weights to your workout while walking.
10. While standing in line, do five calf raises at a time.
Take a few minutes this week and see how you can incorporate burning a few extra calories!
Jill Holmes
Website Director

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