Winner of Truly Sexy Contest

Winner of Truly Sexy Contest

Thank you ladies for your wonderful submissions on bucking the society trend of what’s sexy to what is TRULY “sexy” to a wife. We had the sweetest responses.
I particularly loved this one from Linda Strickland, our winner of the contest. She shares:
“Sexy is being held when I cry and don’t really know why.  Then cancer-unknown does that to you.
Sexy is feeling protected when the cancer giant is looming over you.  Having an arm around you really helps.
Sexy is being afraid as I enter a cold hospital room and looking over my shoulder at someone who gives a thumbs up and a wink.  I need support.
Sexy is seeing others suffering and having an arm around me.  Angels are there with their arms around others.
Sexy is being tied to a an IV stand for weeks and having someone encourage you to go around the nurses station one more time.  I was only one of many.
Sexy is having my hand held throughout a blood cleansing.  Having all of your blood replaced is scary.
Sexy is watching an elderly cancer patient concerned about her elderly caregiving husband.  Cancer patients are sexy too.
Sexy is having an bathroom accident and my husband being there before I can get there and he says, “Stuff happens, Babe”.  it does when you have cancer.
Sexy is having my husband love me so much that I have to tell him to stop smothering me.  What a nice problem to have.
Sexy is having my husband get angry…really angry when he hears a story of abandonment by another man.  I mean angry.
Sexy is realizing he is sleeping next to me in a chair and has been doing so for more than 3 weeks.  Cancer sucks, but when we fight it together it sucks less.”

Thank you, Linda! She wins a free Motherhood Matters ebook:)

2 thoughts on “Winner of Truly Sexy Contest”

  1. Linda Strickland

    Thank you so much Connie!!! I accept this award on behalf of all the women married to sexy caregivers!!!! Thank you so much!! I am humbled and crying!!!

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