Need to find “Pockets of Peace”?

25125485Is it possible to put Christmas and peace in the same sentence? As a somewhat functioning woman, wife, and mother, I’m here to say absolutely— BUT it takes a little focus (and a very big stick…)
In order for me to find those moments of clarity and calm—amidst the swirling vortex of a family of nine—I have to be intentional and often creative. And, most importantly, to take the opportunities presented to me.
Like last week—an apex of returning from our family experience (and the resulting img_1835washloads), science fair, extra Nutcracker rehearsals for my daughter, helping with make-up homework, cleaning, groceries, and that’s just getting started…because I was also trying to figure out a solution to a problem.
Enter my sweet oldest daughter. She saw the stress, ran a bath for me, and in that quiet moment, the answer came. Problem solved. Why? Because I saw the peaceful moment (thanks to her) and I TOOK IT.
No guilt, no questions, no problem. Literally.
In this week’s Studio 5 segment, I share three key ways to find and create the peaceful pockets we need to truly savor this season, and all year long.  Enjoy the live segment Thursday at 11 a.m. on Channel 5, and thereafter on my blog. If you’re a reader, check out the article live on Friday.  And watch Thursday for a newsletter with my FREE videos on how I’m applying “Forty Days with the Savior“.
3booktrioMeanwhile, enjoy more goodies such as the FREE webinar tonight on finding success through failure. Register here
And our last days of 3 books for $25 sale (any 3, your choice) click here for great last minute gifts.
We’re here to help. Sit back, relax, and feel peace in the holidays.

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