Lose Emotional Weight and Gain New Energy!

j0435894[The following is an excerpt from my book The Life is Too Short Collection. Kitchen table wisdom for women, wives, and mothers for only $3.99 kindle or $12.03 print.]

“Women deal daily with emotional burdens that can bring us low and drain our mojo. Try losing one of these behaviors, and gain instant energy.
….Find your unique self and share it. Too often women lose a sense of self, then become resentful that their family only sees them as the errand do-er or the go-to-gal. If you want to do something enjoyable or express yourself but don’t know how, if you don’t have energy or don’t know what to do, start with who you are and what you love.
I began writing fiction on the side–hideous stories devoid of proper grammar or solid plot lines. But as I aged and continued to write, my stories improved. Eventually, I wrote and published my first real fiction, a clean romance titled Caribbean Crossroads. I was completely shocked when it was nominated for a writing award, and later hit number one on an Amazon Bestseller list. Who knew? So whether it’s knitting beanies for babies or sharing recipes with tofu, do something that uniquely shares your wonderful self. Let go of fear of failure or embarrassment to try.
Get rid of the emotional weight that’s holding down, whether it’s a grudge or fear or something in between. And enjoy the fresh new energy you gain!”

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