"He is Aware"

jesus-comforts-mary-martha-1104492-gallery“DAY 21: HE IS AWARE


Matthew 9:35–36

And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them.


My daughter once shared a story about a little girl bringing her favorite treat to a classroom “trading day.” Throughout the day’s trading, she noticed a little boy with several small rocks on his desk and without any trading interest from others.


The little girl didn’t want a rock but after a while could tell the boy was sad without having anyone take notice or want to participate with him. So she offered a treat for a rock and then surprised herself by asking if he also wanted to play basketball. He happily accepted both offers.


service-637746-galleryWhat I love about this child’s story is her awareness. That is exactly how the Savior was and is—completely aware of each person and their particular needs, especially when they’re not jumping up and down saying, “I’m here, pick me, pick me.”


…How can you be more aware of, or more readily act on, the needs of someone else?”


P.S. If you missed my KSL segment on “Effectively Dealing with Transitions” click here to see it or read an enhanced version on KSL’s Motherhood Matters blog.


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